SUMMARY: Evidence
OVERVIEW: God gave clear evidence for his appointed leader. He wanted the grumbling to stop.
BIG IDEA: Faithfully serve God and support those who lead you.
KEY VERSE: Numbers 17:5 (God to Moses)
Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. Then I will finally put an end to the people’s murmuring and complaining against you.
Don’t whine and complain. It distorts your view of who I am and what I am doing. It reveals your lack of faith. Trust me. I do have a plan and know what I am doing. Negative attitudes do nothing constructive. They bring energy levels down and lower the quality of work. You are better than that. You are a blessing, and I want you to serve my people with a full and joy-filled heart.
Be faithful. Do what I’ve called you to do, and I will provide what you want and need. I will move the wrong people out and bring the right people in. But trust me because sometimes those you think are the wrong people are the right ones. I want them to learn from you and your role just as I want you to learn and grow in your position. Trust me today and remind others that I am a good God who loves, guides, and provides.
Evaluate your heart and attitude. Do you serve or volunteer to receive recognition and praise from others? If so, ask God to help you focus on serving him and pleasing him alone.