SUMMARY: Dangerous pride
OVERVIEW: Korah and other Levites were angry with Moses and jealous that God had not given them more responsibility. Moses was not intimidated.
BIG IDEA: Stop whining and start praising.
KEY VERSE: Numbers 16:11 (Moses to Korah)
The Lord is the one you and your followers are really revolting against! For who is Aaron that you are complaining about him?
Seek me at all times. Don’t let others’ pride or insecurity prevent you from following me and doing all I’ve asked you to do. There will be times I appoint you and not someone with more experience or ability to serve me in a specific way. Don’t apologize to the person for that. Keep your eyes focused on me. I have reasons for my selection, but your role is to listen and obey. Serve me with joy, work hard, and leave the results to me.
Similarly, don’t be frustrated by what I’ve asked you to do. Don’t whine or pout that you deserve more. Support and pray for those I’ve put in the roles you desire. Follow me and faithfully serve me where you are. I also have reasons I have placed you in your current position. Work with energy and enthusiasm. Equip and encourage those to your left and right.
Be thankful to God and faithful with the gifts and role God has given you to serve him. Seek to grow in those abilities by meeting with someone with more experience, reading a book, or watching a training video.
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