SUMMARY: The end
OVERVIEW: Ninevah’s end had come. She had deceived and destroyed other cities, but now Ninevah would be destroyed.
BIG IDEA: You reap what you sow.
KEY VERSE: Nahum 3:1 (Nahum to Ninevah)
What sorrow awaits Nineveh, the city of murder and lies! She is crammed with wealth and is never without victims.
I do not enjoy seeing my creation go their own way. I do not like to see them turn from me. My hand stays extended—right until the end. I invite all to come to me, to find rest and safety and hope. I want to wrap my arms of refuge around everyone, but I will not force anyone to trust me. Still, I invite you and your friends and family to come to me.
Those who go their way think their path is better. Either they’ve discovered one on their own or are following another who went before them. My heart breaks when they find their way goes nowhere. It is littered with distractions—enough to keep them interested, but not enough to satisfy them. They go further and further, searching for that pot of gold. If that is you, stop and turn around. Go against the flow, and you will find me. I will be your gold. I will be more than you can imagine.
God knows all and sees all. He will bring judgment at the right time. Pray for friends and family to turn to God today. Contact someone today and remind them God loves them. Invite them to church or whatever the appropriate next step is.
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