SUMMARY: Wailing
OVERVIEW: The prophet Micah weeps and wails over the judgment upon Israel and Judah.
BIG IDEA: Be ready to share God’s love today.
KEY VERSE: Micah 1:4 (Micah to Israel)
The mountains melt beneath his feet and flow into the valleys like wax in a fire, like water pouring down a hill.
Don’t ignore the painful truth that judgment is coming. Jesus will return, and when he does, the mountains will melt beneath him, and the valleys will split apart. Nothing will contain him. He will come with a purpose, and everything and everyone will bow in his presence. Major cities will turn into piles of rubble. All temples and institutions boasting of man’s goodness will come down. Weep and wail for the day is coming. Mourn over the sadness and pain that will take place.
But before that day comes, tell others about my love. Tell them I have made a way to protect them from judgment. Boldly proclaim the good news that there is hope. Jesus is the hope, and he will save all who turn to him. Don’t think anyone is beyond my love and forgiveness. Jesus came for all, but many ignore him. Be a voice of hope in a hopeless world. Be comforted by God’s love for you. Let your soul rest today.
Don’t ignore the judgment coming upon those who don’t know Jesus. Weep and wail, pray for God’s mercy and share the gospel faithfully and boldly. Who is someone you can pray for today? Take advantage of the next opportunity God gives you to share with that person.
BONUS Faith Story