Matthew 28

Matthew 28:1-20

SUMMARY: Cover-up

OVERVIEWThe chief priests and elders had to create a story to explain away the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection. They paid up to cover-up.

BIG IDEA: A cover-up only exposes you.

KEY VERSEMatthew 28:12–13 (Priests plan to cover up the truth)
When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’”

Do not be afraid to face the reality of my presence in your life. Let me ruin all your plans and replace them with my proposal. Why? Because your plans lead nowhere, and my intentions lead you on an adventure filled with hope, renewal, and transformation. You know I am alive and working powerfully in and around you, so don’t miss out. Welcome me and walk with me.

You can ignore the truth. You can walk your way, despite my presence in your life. Or you can surrender to me. I am ready to receive you right now. You don’t have to wait in line or take a number or pass a test. Regardless of what you’ve done or what fears or doubts surround you, turn to me. I am here, and I will welcome you into my arms and family. You no longer have to play any games, hoping I will love you. I already do.

Ask God to help you identify an area in your life where you are resisting his presence and power. Be still for a few minutes and listen. Ask God for faith to trust him and follow him. Surrender to him and celebrate the plan he has for you.