SUMMARY: Correct destination
OVERVIEW: Jesus miraculously feeds 5,000 men—plus thousands of women and children—with five loaves of bread and two fish.
BIG IDEA: Seek, follow, and obey Jesus.
KEY VERSE: Matthew 14:16–18 (Jesus to disciples)
But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.” “But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish!” they answered. “Bring them here,” he said.
You may not feel like you have enough to accomplish what I have called you to do. And on your own, you don’t. I love inviting my children to do things only I can do. I want you to have no choice but to rely on me for miracles to accomplish the goal I have for you. Then, when you are at the end of all you can do on your own, you get to see my work. You get to experience me in more meaningful ways than you imagined. You get to be amazed at the miracles I do. And when you reach the purpose I have called you to, you get to tell others how I made it happen.
It is not the amount of faith that matters. What matters is where you place your faith. Just a little bit of faith in me is all it takes to get you on your way toward accomplishing the unthinkable. Don’t worry about your busy schedule or your limited abilities or your finances or your lack of connections. Bring everything to me. Let me be your default response before you begin to fret or worry. Come to me, and I will take you to where I have called you to go.
Write down three things that are challenging your relationship with God or three things that are making it difficult for you to trust him. Now write down three things about God’s character that remind you that you can trust him, and he can help you move forward.