Matthew 12

Matthew 12:1-50


OVERVIEWThe teachers of the law and Pharisees wanted a sign from Jesus to prove his authority. Jesus declared he was the only sign they would get or need.

BIG IDEAThose who are for Jesus will follow and obey Jesus.

KEY VERSEMatthew 12:40 (Jesus to Pharisees)
For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so will the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.

If you want to see me, you can see me everywhere. The heavens declare my power. The mountains display my beauty. Your body reveals my creativity and attention to detail. I can even be seen amid great tragedy if you look for me. 

You don’t need to keep asking for a sign to trust me. My birth, life on earth, death on the cross, and miraculous resurrection make my love for you abundantly clear. The work I have done in your life and the lives of millions throughout history is irrefutable. The breath you just took comes from me. You don’t need another sign. All you need is the tiniest bit of faith and the willingness to follow me.

Doubts are not uncommon. You will have ups and downs, but let your eyes always focus on me. I will faithfully provide for you, as I regularly do. If you review your life—even this very day—you will recognize my involvement and see signs of my activity. Trust me and walk with me.

Wherever you are right now, look around and take time to see God’s creation. Thank him for his majesty and power.