Matthew 11

Matthew 11:1-30

SUMMARYYou’re invited

OVERVIEWJesus honors John the Baptist, recognizes the humble and repentant, and denounces the proud.

BIG IDEAGod judges those who reject him and gives rest to those who receive him.

KEY VERSEMatthew 11:28 (Jesus teaching)
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

I invite you to live a new way. Don’t walk through life the old way, carrying the unbearable weight of guilt from the wrong choices, mistakes, and willful disobedience of your past. The old way feels hopeless because of it endless lists of what to do and what not to do. The old way is thoroughly exhausting because you work so hard to be right, to look good, to have more, but you never really get there. So I invite you to live in a new way.

Here’s how the new way works. I pay the price for all your failures, and you rest in the calm of my total love and acceptance. I relentlessly pursue a relationship with you, and you stop trying to avoid me by working so hard to be “better.” I initiate the direction of your life each day, and you follow with a thankful heart and let me carry the weight for the day’s journey. Trust me and put your life in my hands today.

Write down your top three worries. Give them to God and ask him to replace your concerns with peace.  


BONUS Video Clip

“Flood is imminent” from Evan Almighty