SUMMARY: Go tell
OVERVIEW: Jesus demonstrates his authority by defeating demons, death, and disease through multiple healings.
BIG IDEA: God is alive and doing work in and around us.
KEY VERSE: Mark 5:19 (Jesus to the healed man)
But Jesus said, “No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.”
I am giving you a story to tell. Whether you are a cancer survivor, a recovering addict, an overcomer of abuse, or a person without extreme hardships, you are a miracle. You have been touched by my supernatural grace, and you are made alive by the most potent force in the universe—me! Don’t minimize my work in your life. I have done something extraordinary in your life, and I want you to share it with others.
Every breath is a gift. Give thanks to me and grow in your awareness of my presence and my grace in your life. Help others see and experience me, too. Tell your story and live in such a way that everyone knows it is true. I want you to have the joy of helping others believe again. Many have lost hope, but you can play a part in bringing reveal to their hearts and minds. Life change has happened for you. Pray it would happen for others, too.
Take a moment to write down three sentences: a beginning, a middle and an end to a story where God has impacted your life. Look for opportunities today to share this story with someone.