Mark 10

Mark 10, invited

Mark 10:1-52


OVERVIEWJesus teaches about divorce and God’s kingdom. The gifts of God’s kingdom are to be shared with others, not hoarded for ourselves.

BIG IDEAGod’s kingdom is open to all.

KEY VERSEMark 10:13–14 (Jesus welcomes children)
One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.”

I have time for everyone. Don’t assume I am not interested in connecting with certain people because of their lowly status or the mess they are in or the past they have or their cultural differences. I am turning you into a people reacher. I am interested in people, not your comfort or social norms. Stop looking away from people or past them. Look into their eyes and see my love for them.

My kingdom is open to every person everywhere. Cliques or churches or political movements or religions or clubs may shut people out, but I invite and welcome everyone. Encourage others to come to me. I have put people in your life who need to know me. Let them know that, regardless of what they have been through or what they’ve done, I love them and want a relationship with them. When you make time for someone, it is an opportunity for them to see me.

Plan to get together with some friends from church this week. Discuss whether there are some things you need to change about how you worship together so that an outsider might feel welcome where the gospel is being preached and demonstrated. What sacrifices are you willing to make concerning your church or small group preferences to help a new person feel welcome?