Luke 9

Luke 9. Costly

Luke 9:1-62


OVERVIEWJesus sent out the twelve, fed 5,000, and transfigured before Peter, James, and John.

BIG IDEAFollowing Jesus is costly: he wants our entire being.

KEY VERSELuke 9:23 (Jesus to disciples)
Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.”

My gift of salvation is free. I paid the price for your eternal security and made way for you to live and experience abundant life. Salvation is a gift for whoever wants to receive it from me. But knowing me—intimately knowing me—in a profound, impactful way requires sacrifice. Following me means letting go of the control you think you have. Following me requires you to put me ahead of your dreams and plans.

I want all of you, your entire being. It may seem like you’re giving up too much, but the more you give me, the more you receive. It is counterintuitive, but trust me. I don’t want control of your life to limit you. I want to free you to be the person I created you to be so that you can live a life of faith and adventure. There’s nothing more exciting than following me. Walk with me today.

Think of someone you know who has great faith in Christ. Make plans to meet over coffee or lunch and find out what sacrifices they made to follow Jesus. Ask if they believe those sacrifices were worth it.