OVERVIEW: Jesus shares two parables and performs some miracles to mixed responses: some crowds reject him while others welcome him.
BIG IDEA: Those with eyes to see will see. Those with ears to hear will hear.
KEY VERSE: Luke 8:39 (Jesus to healed man)
“No, go back to your family, and tell them everything God has done for you.” So he went all through the town proclaiming the great things Jesus had done for him.
I always want to spend time with you, regardless of your circumstances. Don’t worry about your attitude or intentions; just come to me. I love you completely and will provide for you. My provision may not always be what you want, but as your heavenly father, I know what you need. Trust me and follow me as I lead you. I will be with you and supply what you need when you need it.
My message is for everyone. I love you, and I also love everyone around you, even if they don’t think like you or look like you or live like you. I want those in your life to hear about what I am doing in you, and I want them to discover what I am doing in them. Tell them about me by how you live and, when they are ready to listen, tell them your story. I don’t exclude anyone from a relationship with me–all are welcome. Don’t worry about following the crowd; follow me and invite others on the journey.
There are times when following Jesus is popular, and it is not hard to find crowds of believers, but God is interested in a deep connection with every single person. Has God done anything specific in your life that reminds you of your unique relationship with him? How can you use this experience to encourage other believers or those who don’t know Jesus?