Luke 7

Luke 7. great faith

Luke 7:1-50

SUMMARYGreat faith

OVERVIEWA centurion had great faith, a widow gained a reason for great faith, and a sinful woman expressed great faith.

BIG IDEAYour faith saves you.

KEY VERSELuke 7:9 (Jesus to the crowd)
When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”

Many claim to follow me, but not all have authentic faith. Some declare they have faith because of where they live or the group they’ve joined. Faith is a simple trust in me, believing I am who I say I am, and I do what I say I do. I am the almighty creator of everything that ever existed or will exist, and I love you and accept you and lead you and give you life and purpose. 

Risk is the bucket of icy water that shocks your faith awake. Will you risk your reputation to follow me? Will you risk investing your time, talent, and resources where I direct you? Are you willing to count on me for miracles? And if your miracle does not come through in the way you’d like, are you able to believe that I, as your loving, heavenly Father, will provide what you need regardless of what you want? Faith is what you do with risk. Whenever you need faith, I am here to give it to you.

Be honest with yourself for a few moments. What are you having trouble believing God can do in your life? Now, be honest with God. Tell him about your doubt and ask him for faith.