SUMMARY: News spread
OVERVIEW: News spread of Jesus’ miracles and teaching. Many rejected him while others sought him.
BIG IDEA: Man shall not live on bread alone.
KEY VERSE: Luke 4:36–37 (people respond to Jesus’ healing)
Amazed, the people exclaimed, “What authority and power this man’s words possess! Even evil spirits obey him, and they flee at his command!” The news about Jesus spread through every village in the entire region.
You, and those around you, have been touched by evil and destruction. Wickedness and cruelty are a part of life on earth. You will be shocked and overwhelmed at times because people make devastating choices, and Satan does his best to influence others to pursue evil. Don’t expect life on earth to be like heaven.
But you can expect me to have authority and influence over everything in this world. You don’t have to choose fear, anxiety, or anger because of the chaos around you. My power is far superior to the forces of evil. When you recognize my authority, you will experience the peace and strength you need to make a difference in a hurting world. My truth, my teaching, and my ways are like no other. I bring good news to dark places. Do not be overwhelmed. Focus on me and share hope with your words and through your actions.
Think of a situation in world events or in your community where there is evil, great suffering, and chaos. Re-read Luke 4:36-37 to remind yourself of God’s authority and power. Think of one thing you can do to help in this terrible situation and do it today.