SUMMARY: Welcome
OVERVIEW: Jesus teaches that all are welcome in God’s house and that we must count the cost of being his disciple.
BIG IDEA: It’s not about you.
KEY VERSE: Luke 14:11 (Jesus to crowd)
For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.
Give someone else credit. Let them enjoy the accolades of coming up with the top idea. Let someone else be right. Rest in the knowledge that you are alright with me. I forgive you and accept you and love you. Take your turn last, not first or second, but last. Take a deep breath of calm, knowing I have a plan for you. Don’t obsess over being the leader; instead, focus on following me well. Develop your follower skills, and let me lead you.
Do not seek the place of honor when you go to a gathering. And when you host an event, do not only invite those you want to impress. Invite those you can bless. All are welcome in my kingdom, and I want you to honor others in yours. I want people to think of my love and kindness when they see how you interact with everyone, regardless of who they are or how they live.
Next time you post anything on social media, give all the attention to someone who needs encouragement.