Luke 11

Luke 11. transform

Luke 11:1-54


OVERVIEWJesus taught on prayer and the complete transformation God wants to do in and through us. Jesus also challenges his critics—those from the crowd and the religious leaders.

BIG IDEAHeart transformation is more important than socially acceptable behavior.

KEY VERSELuke 11:39 (Jesus to a Pharisee)
Then the Lord said to him, “You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and wickedness!

I am more concerned with what is going on inside you than the image you project to others. When you are humble and genuine with me, you can be real and transparent with others. When others see your openness and vulnerability, weaknesses as well as strengths, it allows you to focus on the important elements in relationships. Pretending to be better than everyone else is a selfish waste of time. And you’re only hurting yourself.

Doing what I say is better than making a big show of what a great believer you think you are. Making good choices will help you and bless others. Being obedient to me has value, but I want more than robotic obedience. True, eternal change occurs when you allow me to transform your heart. But I don’t just want your obedience. I want your heart. If you give me your heart, the obedience will follow and express itself through healthy, proper motives.

Admit a weakness, failure or struggle to yourself. Submit this area to God. Take some time with a friend to talk through your difficulty. If you are feeling brave, refrain from being clever or impressive on social media this week and ask friends to help you with a need.


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