Luke 10

Luke 10. learning

Luke 10:1-42


OVERVIEWJesus taught the Good Samaritan parable and affirmed Mary’s decision to sit at his feet and learn instead of working.

BIG IDEAGo and do likewise.

KEY VERSELuke 10:41–42 (Jesus to Martha)
But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Don’t let your service to me become busywork. Don’t worship the work you do in my name. The work I have entrusted you with is important, but nothing is more important than your devotion to me. Don’t be so excited about serving me that you forget to worship me. I am the reason you serve, so stay engaged with me as you serve. Talk to me; I am listening. And remember to listen; I am speaking.

You are busy today, and you will be tomorrow, as well. There is always something to do and someplace to go. Plan time to be with me. Sit and listen. Read, sing, pray. Spend time with me at work or school or wherever you go when you leave home. Don’t limit your time with me to the early morning or late at night. I am at work in your world, and I will be speaking to you throughout your day. Watch and listen and worship.

Take a moment to inventory your priorities. Are you more concerned with checking chores off a list or serving in love where you are needed? Are you only worried about completing your job, or do you also take time to be relational with those around you? Is your day filled with projects but not with moments of intimacy between you and God? What do you need to change or continue?


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