SUMMARY: Set aside
OVERVIEW: Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary are set aside for a unique work of God.
BIG IDEA: God never fails.
KEY VERSE: Luke 1:13–14 (Gabriel announces John the Baptist’s birth)
But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! God has heard your prayer. Your wife, Elizabeth, will give you a son, and you are to name him John. You will have great joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth…”
You have value, and you matter to me. I have a purpose and a plan for you. I care about the details of your life. I want you to do extraordinary things in this ordinary world, and I will equip you to do so. I have set you aside to accomplish much and make an impact that will last for eternity. Do you trust me? Will you follow me?
I want you to live a remarkable life. You are my child, so you are part of an exceptional heritage. Anything done in my name has enormous potential because it can have an eternal impact. Don’t shy away from my invitations. I will pull you out of your comfort zone but don’t be scared. Even when you are uncomfortable, I am still with you. When you fear and doubt, remember, I do have a plan, and I am with you. Take a step of faith today and watch me provide for you.
Take a moment to pray and think about these three questions: Is there something special that you feel called to do? How has God equipped you to do it? How will God be glorified in this?