Leviticus 9

Leviticus 9:1-24


OVERVIEWAfter the ordination ceremony, Aaron leads the first sacrifice for worship at the tabernacle. He presented the sin offering, burnt offering, grain offering, and the peace offering. The Israelites are overwhelmed with joy and humbled by the presence of God and his power.

BIG IDEAPraise God for his holiness and power.

KEY VERSELeviticus 9:24 (God’s power and presence)
Fire blazed forth from the Lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.

I am in your midst. I am with you always. Let that remind you that I love you and accept you. The blood of Christ has cleansed you. You are free from the penalty of sin, and I have adopted you as my child. Walk with me without fear. Talk with me without shame. Leap for joy or shout praise. I receive you and welcome you.

Just as I loved the fragrance of burnt offerings, so now I love when you offer yourself to me. When you follow me, when you obey me, when you step out in faith—believing I will do what I’ve promised—I smell the sweet fragrance of Christ. It pleases me and will refresh your soul as well. Others may not always acknowledge your faithfulness, but I see all and celebrate your acts of mercy, kindness, and generosity. Let your life be a continual sacrifice, one that makes an impact for eternity.

Worship God today. Remember his goodness and be humbled by his greatness. Take time to write a prayer of praise, sing a song, or be still. Remember that God is both good and great, and give him praise.