SUMMARY: Thankful
OVERVIEW: The grain offering allowed individuals to thank God for providing everyday blessings. This offering was one that everyone could offer, regardless of financial status.
BIG IDEA: Thank God every day.
KEY VERSE: Psalm 100:4 (the Psalmist to all)
Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.
I am your source for life. Look to me for your daily bread. You’ll have to work for it, but I will give you the strength to work. You may have to ask for it, but I will provide you with the courage to ask. You may have to share it with others, but I will supply what you need. Give thanks for all that I provide.
There is enough for everyone. And if there isn’t, I will create more. I will provide for you. I have spiritually, and I will physically and emotionally, too. Jesus is the bread of life. Seek him, and you will live. But as you receive life, food, power, or anything from me, share it with those around you. Don’t hoard my blessings. I love to provide what you need. Receive my gifts with open hands and share them with others. Keep your hands open, so I can fill them again.
Take nothing for granted. Thank God for your daily bread. Every piece of food you make or purchase is a blessing. Thank God for it and look for ways to bless others today.