Leviticus 14

Leviticus 14:1-57


OVERVIEWGod describes the steps to restore healed lepers. The elaborate process reveals the power of the healing hand of Jesus, who instantly cleanses and forgives us.

BIG IDEAGod heals and makes you whole.

KEY VERSE: Isaiah 44:22 (God to the Israelites)
I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.

You may have marks or scars on your body. They may remind you of wrong choices—your own or others—from your past. I see you differently. When I look at you, I see a whole, clean person. I see one whose sins Christ has forgiven. I have freed you from your sin—you are now part of my family. Others may push you away or require you to make changes before they accept you. Others may make you pass tests or complete assignments before they receive you. Others may point to your past or claim you are too far gone to be part of their family or team or tradition. Not me.

I welcome you today—right now. You are mine. Receive my love and healing touch and share it with others. Embrace what I’ve done for you and show you believe it by how you live. You are free. Stop pouting. Walk with your head up and sing a song of praise.

Is there someone you know who can’t get over his past, who continues to replay bad choices in his mind? Remind him that Jesus offers healing and forgiveness. Pray for him and—ideally—with him and thank God for his blessing.


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