SUMMARY: Exhausted
OVERVIEW: There is no rest, no joy, and no hope for those who pursue a life of sin.
BIG IDEA: There is no silver lining in sin.
KEY VERSE: Lamentations 5:15 (Jeremiah’s prayer)
Joy has left our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning.
There are consequences to sin. You will always feel as if others are pursuing you, as if there is no relief. Whether it’s your sin or that of friends or family, you cannot outrun it. Sin causes hunger, grief, humiliation, and sorrow. Sin never quits, and it is all-consuming. Unless you turn to me. I have conquered sin, and I can and will help you overcome its effects on earth. Turn to me for your hope and relief. Surrender to me, and let me lift you.
Focus on me. I am the only one who can provide temporary and eternal hope from sin. When your heart is overcome with grief or your head filled with doubts, look to me. Call on me. Cry out to me. I hear you, and when you turn away from your sin, I will heal you. Stop running from me or standing motionless in despair. Take my hand and follow me. I love you and will lead you.
When you are tired or overwhelmed, do you turn to bad habits to find relief from pain or sorrow? Turn to God, instead. Seek him for encouragement, strength, and comfort, and ask God for help.