OVERVIEW: Abimelek viciously took leadership by killing his seventy brothers, and he later pays the consequence for doing so.
BIG IDEA: There are always consequences for wickedness.
KEY VERSE: Judges 9:56–57 (Summary)
In this way, God punished Abimelech for the evil he had done against his father by murdering his seventy brothers. God also punished the men of Shechem for all their evil. So the curse of Jotham son of Gideon was fulfilled.
A true leader is humble and a servant. Don’t be deceived into thinking you (or any leader) should lead by fear or intimidation. That is not leadership. That is a dictatorship. Jesus was the world’s most significant leader, yet he modeled servanthood for all. If you want to flourish in your role, follow me and learn the rhythm of leading by loving and serving.
Is there anything you are unwilling to do as a leader? Are you always the first to rest or eat or receive benefits? Are your words more critical than affirming? Do people avoid you? Those may be signs of selfishness and unhealthy leadership. Strive to earn the respect of those you lead through love and service. The way to learn leadership is by first learning to be a follower—follow me. Walk with me and listen to my instruction. Let me show you the way to go. Follow me, and I will give you opportunities to teach others the Jesus way.
Count the cost of leadership and pursue it humbly and with a serving heart. Ask those who know you well to rate you as a leader. Ask them if there is any way you can improve. Don’t be defensive—listen—and thank them for sharing.