SUMMARY: Nothing’s hidden
OVERVIEW: The costly sin of Achan.
BIG IDEA: Sin cannot be hidden, and the consequences of sin are extensive.
KEY VERSE: Joshua 7:19 (Joshua seeking the truth)
Then Joshua said to Achan, “My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don’t hide it from me.”
I am not only your heavenly father, but I am Lord of all. You know in your head that I am everywhere present. You know in your heart that I know all things, so do not attempt to hide your sin from me. Even if you hide it from others, nothing is hidden from me. Nothing. The logic makes sense, but I know human emotion can distort or cloud what is true.
Seek to build your relationship with me and others and confess your “hidden” sin. Sin destroys relationships. Your choices matter. Your choices impact others and how they interact with you and how they view me. But even when you sin, hope remains. If you are open and honest with me and those you hurt, healing can take place and relationships can be rebuilt and restored. Trust me by confessing your sin, and I will begin the healing process.
Be honest with God about any sin you are attempting to hide. Sit still and ask God to reveal any sin in which you may be unaware. If you need to confess to someone you hurt, pray for wisdom and strength and then follow through with the confession.