Joshua 22

Joshua 22

Joshua 22:1-34

SUMMARYCommunication matters

OVERVIEWWhen Israel saw the 2½  tribes on the opposite side of the Jordan had built an altar, they perceived it to be an act of war. Instead, the tribes constructed it as a witness that they are one nation, even though the river divided them.

BIG IDEASeek to understand others before speaking or acting.

KEY VERSEJoshua 22:5 (Instruction to the 2½ tribes)
But be very careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you. Love the Lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.

Your words, actions, and body language speak volumes. Speak and act in ways consistent with your intentions. Communication matters. Work hard at it. Strive to communicate clearly with me and with others. Don’t expect others to know what you’re thinking. I can read your mind, but others cannot, so use carefully chosen words when you speak.

If you want others to hear you, you’ve got to listen to them. Don’t listen while doing something else. Stop what you’re doing and give them your attention. Don’t formulate your response while they’re speaking. Instead, focus on listening. Make it a goal to build a relationship rather than win an argument. I am talking to you all the time. Learn to hear my still, small voice. It won’t always come in ways you expect, so practice your listening skills. Always be ready and aware of my presence. Learn to listen in silence amid the noise of your day.

Be a good listener. Practice clarifying what others said before responding. 


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