OVERVIEW: Jonah warns Ninevah and the city repents.
BIG IDEA: God is a God of second chances.
KEY VERSE: Jonah 3:9 (King to the Ninevites)
Who can tell? Perhaps even yet God will change his mind and hold back his fierce anger from destroying us.
I believe in second chances and third ones, too. In fact, as long as you are breathing, I will give you an opportunity to obey me and follow me. You will find more satisfaction if you obey me the first time—and experience fewer consequences—but don’t let your past ruin your future. If you have previously rejected me, leave that in the past. Don’t let old experiences limit the new ones I have for you. Surrender to me now. Say ‘yes’ and follow me.
Don’t assume your obedience will grant you a comfortable life. It won’t. Obedience will give you a fruitful life and a meaningful one, too. But it will be work. Ask my prophets and ask my Son. To obey me will be a sacrifice. But obedience will also bring joy and freedom and purpose. Share my message of hope and love and forgiveness to everyone you meet. Don’t ignore those you think would never believe. I am at work in everyone’s life, everywhere you go. Let me surprise you by who turns to me.
Believe God can do the impossible. Commit right now to pray consistently for the next week for someone who needs Jesus. Ask God to allow you to tell someone about Jesus this week, and then follow through when he answers your prayer. That’s a bold prayer but also an exciting one.