Jonah 1

Jonah 1:1-17


God says ‘go,’ and Jonah says ‘no.’

“To fear God is to stand in awe of Him; to be afraid of God is to run away from Him.”  —Carroll E. Simcox

KEY VERSEJonah 1:1-3a (God’s instruction)
The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Amittai: “Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh. Announce my judgment against it because I have seen how wicked its people are.” But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord.

I want more than your dutiful obedience. I want a relationship with you. I want you to seek me and listen to my instructions. I want you to say ‘yes’ to where I direct you to go and ‘yes’ when I nudge you out of your comfort zone. I want you to cry out to me when you’re afraid or need support. I want all of you. I want your trust, your obedience, your faith, your love. 

When we are in community, we can work through your doubts and disobedience. But be real with me. Don’t pretend to ignore me or think you can think or say or do something without my knowledge. I am God. I made you, and I know all. Don’t let unbelievers have more faith than you do. Many of them fear me, even if they can’t explain why. Your most significant act of love is putting your confidence in me. Trust me and follow me.

Is there an area in your life in which God has been nudging you to obey? Stop putting it off and say ‘yes’ to God right now. Follow through on it today.