OVERVIEW: Jesus meets the Samaritan woman at the well and, later, a royal official. Jesus’ influence on them led to their sharing about Jesus with others, which led to a more significant impact.
BIG IDEA: Stop striving to get “more” and receive from Jesus more than you could ever imagine.
KEY VERSE: John 4:42 (Samaritans to the Samaritan woman)
Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world.”
People see me in your life. You may not realize it, but what you say and do and how you live impact those around you. Just the act of following me and declaring your intentions to do so sends a resounding message. You are an essential part of someone else’s journey to know me. You are more valuable than you can understand. Others may not have told you because they don’t even know it yet, but you are priceless, and I know it. Because of that, I love including you in making an impact in others’ lives.
Tell people all about me by the way you live and, when someone is ready to listen, with your words. When you point someone in my direction, I will deliver. I am the forgiveness, grace, mercy, and purpose they seek. I will love them and accept them and heal them, just like I did for you. I am the savior someone in your life is looking for. Show them I care, and lead them to me.
Take a moment to ask God to bring someone to mind, someone who needs encouragement today. Listen quietly until the right person comes to mind. Reach out with a friendly text, call or email, to show you care. If Jesus leads you to do more, follow his lead.
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