SUMMARY: No condemnation
OVERVIEW: Jesus meets with Nicodemus, and they discuss how we are to live and why God the Father sent him to earth. Later, John the Baptist exalts Jesus.
BIG IDEA: Embrace the truth that God loves you.
KEY VERSE: John 3:17–18 (God’s plan)
God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.”
My message is love. My message is total acceptance, just as you are. My message is salvation, freedom, renewal, and purpose. My message is for every human on this planet, regardless of what they have experienced or what they have or don’t have or where they are from or what they look like or what they have done. For those that reject me and my message, what hope remains? They are trapped in hate, rejection, slavery, and guilt, and this breaks my heart.
Do not run from me or ignore me. Turn to me. I come to you with love and hope. I want to give you life—abundant life—both here on earth and in heaven. The enemy brings condemnation, but I bring peace, hope, and love. Open yourself to me and my word today. Receive the love I have for you. I love you, and I want you to receive my love and share it with others. I want you to experience life as I intended.
We all have fears about life and death. Are there any coping mechanisms you’re relying on to minimize your anxiety? An addiction to substances, sex, porn, food, or attention? An obsession with money, status, power, or good deeds? A relationship or religion? Let yourself put your faith solely in Jesus today. Ask a trusted friend to hold you accountable for your coping mechanisms.
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