SUMMARY: Peter reinstated
OVERVIEW: A downcast Peter gets new hope and purpose when Jesus commissions him to shepherd his people.
BIG IDEA: It’s never over.
KEY VERSE: John 21:25 (Jesus’ impact)
Jesus also did many other things. If they were all written down, I suppose the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.
You are part of the impact Jesus had and is having on history. As the Son of God, Jesus established a new standard in how to live. He demonstrated how to serve all people with humility, dignity, and love. Jesus gave you the power of forgiveness, transformation, and renewal. He was—and remains—the connecting point to maximum living and eternal security. Jesus led a revolution for the hearts of the world, and you are a part of it.
Keep following me. If you choose not to, I will continue to invite you again and again. If you fail, I will restore you and put you back on the path of success. You are my priority, and I have plans for you—good plans that include me being by your side. Trust me and take steps of faith, even when you fear or doubt, or when you feel unworthy. I will give you strength and courage. I will lead you. Follow me today.
Do you feel you have betrayed God in such a way that he no longer loves you? Peter betrayed Jesus, but he was eager to return to Jesus, with an ever-stronger commitment. Jesus welcomed him, gave him new responsibilities, and empowered him for a great ministry. Receive God’s forgiveness. Run back to a relationship with him and let him lead you.
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