SUMMARY: Stop doubting
OVERVIEW: Jesus is resurrected and appears to Mary Magdalene and the disciples. When Thomas hears the news from others, he doubts their claims. Jesus later appears before them again, and he invites Thomas to put his fingers in his side and says, “Stop doubting and believe” (verse 27).
BIG IDEA: God does not dismiss me when I doubt—he invites me to believe.
KEY VERSE: John 20:29 (Jesus to Thomas)
Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”
I can handle your questions and doubts. Following me in faith does not mean you will never doubt or have questions. Ultimately, though, you choose to believe. The evidence for belief is abundant in the Bible, in others’ faith stories, in creation, and in what I have done in your life. Believing or not believing is a choice. Choose to believe—it’s healthier and has a far higher upside.
My love for you does not change when you have doubts. And my love does not increase when you believe. I love you thoroughly — at all times. But when you have doubts, cry out to me. Seek answers, ask questions, and keep your eyes and ears open for my response. I want you to believe and rest in the knowledge of my love and provision for you. I want you to know deep within your soul that even when you doubt, you are confident in me.
Check out some great resources that defend and explain the Christian faith: The Third Day: The Reality of the Resurrection by Hank Hanegraaff, The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee Strobel (and the movie by the same name), God’s Not Dead (movie) directed by Harold Cronk.