SUMMARY: God blamed
OVERVIEW: Job feels abandoned by God and would rather die than feel forgotten.
BIG IDEA: Cry out to God. He is listening.
KEY VERSE: Proverbs 14:32
The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die.
I hear your frustrations and complaints. I know your days are challenging. Not only are you overwhelmed, but you are surrounded by hurting people in a broken world. Go ahead and shout out your pain. You don’t have to keep silent. You don’t have to stuff it in. I am waiting for you, and I am listening.
But no matter what you say, I will not leave you. I will be present in your life and won’t let you go. You are not and never will be a burden to me. One of my greatest hopes is that amid your anguish, you would have peace. In your chaos, seek me for comfort. Pain may disrupt your life, but I will use it for good. I will redeem all you are going through. Much of it you may never know, but I will use it all for my glory. Cry out to me. Wait on me. Trust me.
Do you know someone who is discouraged or struggling? Offer hope and encouragement. Help him know he is loved. Send a text or email to let them know you’re thinking of them. Better yet, mail a card—it has more staying power.