Job 36

Job 36:1-33


OVERVIEWElihu crosses the line when he claims to speak for God, as one with perfect knowledge.

BIG IDEAStop trying to fix everything and pour out your heart to God.

KEY VERSEJob 36:26 (Elihu to Job)
Look, God is greater than we can understand. His years cannot be counted.

I am mighty and powerful. My ways are not your ways. I am capable and will accomplish my purpose. Do not attempt to force your will upon me. Remember who I am and who you are. Even so, remember that I despise no one. I love everyone and invite all to be in a relationship with me. I know you and love you and want you to follow me. Put down your obsession with being “right.” Don’t let arrogance strangle you. I want you to live with passion and purpose, but you must learn to walk with me, and my path is not always a straight line.

You have not been forgotten and you have not been left alone. I am with you. But I am also exalted in power. There is none like me. My ways are beyond your understanding. Stop trying to figure me out and trust me. Each day. Each step. Follow me, trust me, and find hope and peace, knowing that I am with you.

Even amid pain and trials, God is calling you to him. Cling to God—trust him today—in all situations. Review today’s key verse throughout the day and remember that God’s ways are beyond our understanding. Pray with thanks that God is with you.