Job 35

Job 35:1-16

SUMMARYEmpty words

OVERVIEWElihu tells Job that God is not paying attention to him or his malady because of his pride.

BIG IDEATalk to God. He is listening.

KEY VERSEJob 35:9 (Elihu to Job)
People cry out when they are oppressed. They groan beneath the power of the mighty.

Many cry out to me to save them from trials, not to save their souls or to forgive their sins. I want more for them, but I am glad when they look to me for any reason. It is a step. In the same way, I want you to cry out. I am your father, and I care for you. I want to help you and I will, but I am more concerned with your soul and for you to invest your life in eternity. I want your words to me and others to be full of life and hope.

When you take your eyes off of me, you lose focus and minimize your potential for impact. Keep in step with me and let me teach you how to live. I will direct you to many who are confused and lost. The lost will claim they have all they need, but deep down they need me. Don’t patronize them or minimize their pain. Be a friend and let your words build them up and lead them to me.

God is with you in your pain, and he wants you to cry out to him. He may not answer the way you want, but he is with you. Cry out to God today.