Job 29

Job 29:1-25

SUMMARYJob reminisces

OVERVIEWJob remembers life as it used to be: pain-free.

BIG IDEARemember the ways God has provided.

KEY VERSEPsalm 18:28
You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness.

I want you to remember all I have done. I want you to review my works, reflect on my kindness, and reminisce on the ways I have provided. Recall who I am and what I’ve done. May that build your faith and encourage others. But be careful why you do these things.

Don’t reflect on the past, desiring to return to it. Don’t pray for me to be with you, as I was previously. I am with you. Nothing has changed except your circumstances. What I want is for you to lean into me. I want you to retell stories and recall memories of my provision so that it boosts your faith and inspires you to believe in me today. Don’t wish for a pain-free or trouble-free life. Holiness is more important than happiness. Hunger for my presence and the ability to experience me today. I am doing something in your life and don’t want you to miss it. Trust me and follow me today.

Review ways God has provided for you in the past and pray a prayer of surrender today. Submit your will to God and pledge to follow him today.