Job 28

Job 28:1-28

SUMMARYStop looking

OVERVIEWMany hunger for and search for wisdom, yet God is its source.

BIG IDEAGod provides wisdom.

KEY VERSEJob 28:28 (Job to his friends)
And this is what he says to all humanity: “The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.”

When you want wisdom, offer more than a quick prayer with the hope for an instant answer. Why do you want my knowledge? Are you looking for a way out of your mess, or are you merely trying to bypass hard work? I am the source of wisdom. You are correct to come to me. But I want you to search for it. Precious gems aren’t lying on the top of the ground waiting to be harvested. Workers hunt and search and invest time and money in pursuit of them. Do the same with me.

Don’t look for an alternate source of wisdom. Regardless of what you hear, you will not find any. I am wisdom’s source. I have what you are looking for. If you want to understand, fear me. Treat me with reverence, knowing I am your source for hope and life. Turn away from evil and to me. That is the beginning of wisdom.

In what area of your life do you currently need wisdom? Talk to God about what next step you should take.