Job 23

Job 23:1-17

SUMMARYWhere’s God?

OVERVIEWJob seeks a meeting with God to state his case.

BIG IDEAGod is everywhere present and ready to hear your prayers.

KEY VERSEJob 23:13 (Job speaking of God)
But once he has made his decision, who can change his mind? Whatever he wants to do, he does.

I am not afraid or intimidated by your complaints. Shout them out to me. Let me hear your voice. I would prefer you talk to me—under any condition—than for you to ignore me. As your heavenly Father, I welcome a dialogue…or even a monologue. Speak to me, but then I invite you to listen. You say you cannot see me or hear me. I want to teach you to watch and listen so you can see where I am and where I am working in your life and the world. I want you to learn the art and skill of silence. I am everywhere present, and I am always speaking to you. I want to give you ears to hear and eyes to see.

I also want you to know you will not always agree with or understand me. I am God and therefore able to do whatever I want. And I do not have to justify myself to you. But because I love you, I do want to show you more than you now see or understand. Trust me for I am at work, and I love you.

Voice your frustrations or complaints to God. He can handle it. But end with a prayer of thanks, remembering he will never leave you or forget you and that he is a good, good father.