SUMMARY: Redemption
OVERVIEW: Job knows his redeemer lives and, regardless of life’s circumstances, he will be with God.
BIG IDEA: God is alive today and always.
KEY VERSE: Job 19:25 (Job to Bildad)
But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.
No matter what happens, you can be confident that I am with you and that I love you. People may torment you or attempt to crush you with their words, but remember that I am with you and that I love you. Some may try to harm or humiliate you but remember that I am with you and that I love you. Others may seek to prevent your success or take credit for your excellent work, but remember that I am with you and that I love you.
People may try to discredit you or dishonor you, but remember that I am with you and that I love you. Some may try to turn your family and friends against you but remember that I am with you and that I love you. Others you don’t know may point and laugh or ridicule you, but remember the only truth you must never forget: I am with you, and I love you. That will never change. Rest in that promise.
Post notes in prominent places with today’s key Bible verse or other words to remind you God will forever be with you. Set an alarm to go off every few hours and pause to remember that regardless of circumstances, God is with you forever.