OVERVIEW: Jeremiah weeps over Judah’s sin, and God invites all of Jerusalem to cry over the coming destruction. But God also calls his followers to boast of the love he shows and the justice he brings.
BIG IDEA: Be humble, be teachable, and follow the Lord.
KEY VERSE: Jeremiah 9:23–24 (God to Israel)
This is what the Lord says: “Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
I love you and each person. I have created you, and I want a relationship with you, so I offer myself to you. Don’t be like others who disregard me and my ways and latch on to any teaching or promise that pleases them. Those are false teachings and deceptive promises. Follow those, and they will lead you astray, and you will feel trapped. But I am always available—cry out to me! And if you are my child yet choose to live in rebellion, I will refine you and test you. I will do everything possible to help you identify I am what your soul truly craves.
The sorrow and pain you feel and experience come from the brokenness of the world’s warped system. I want you and everyone to boast of the life you find in me and the new energy, vision, and passion you have in me. Don’t boast of physical strength or earthly riches—those don’t last. Boast in me. I offer eternal and abundant life. Seek me, and you will truly live.
Evaluate your calendar. Are you putting aside time to invest in things that matter, or is your calendar only centered on your desires? Get excited about the blessing and privilege of having a relationship with God, and make any necessary changes to your weekly schedule.