Jeremiah 8

Jeremiah 8:1-22


OVERVIEWJeremiah cries out and asks several times why people ignore God and follow false teachings. Even God asks why they make such choices. Ultimately, Judah only hears what they want to hear.

BIG IDEAChoose to follow God today.

KEY VERSEJeremiah 8:5 (God to Jeremiah)
Then why do these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do the people of Jerusalem refuse to turn back? They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around.

When you fall, I will pick you up. Others will also offer you a hand, but unless they direct you to me, their help is temporary. Ultimately, you need me, so take my hand instead. I will place you on a healthy path leading towards life and peace. Do not be deceived by the false promises others offer. Some will even claim it’s my teaching, but they are lying. Test what you hear with what I’ve revealed in the Bible. Test it by bringing it to me—praying about it. Test it by discussing it with others who know me and love me.

I will not abandon you. I will always be here for you. But I will not force you to follow me or to love me. I extend my hand to you, and you get to choose whether or not you take it. Jesus laid his life down for you and invites you—today and always—to take up your cross and follow me. Be my disciple and walk with me. I will give you an abundant life if you choose to follow me.

Is there anything you need to deny in your life to focus on God? Is there anything you should set aside so you can gain clarity in your life and be able to follow God?