Jeremiah 52

Jeremiah 52:1-34


OVERVIEWThe book concludes with a reminder of one of Jeremiah’s prophecies: the destruction of Jerusalem. (Closely parallels the conclusion of 2 Kings.)

BIG IDEAJeremiah’s prophecies were fulfilled: Judah was exiled, and Babylon conquered Jerusalem.

KEY VERSEJeremiah 52:3a (Prophecy fulfilled)
These things happened because of the Lord’s anger against the people of Jerusalem and Judah, until he finally banished them from his presence and sent them into exile.

You can trust me. If I make a promise, I will fulfill it. When you have a relationship with me, you are secure. When you ask for forgiveness, you will receive it. When you ask me to meet your needs, I will do so. But I also keep my promises related to judgment and discipline. If I issue a warning, consequences will follow. If I announce punishment, it will take place. I am a promise keeper, so I will follow through on all I declare.

Rest in my promises that provide comfort and encouragement. But be motivated to respond to my commitments to judgment and discipline. You no longer need to be surprised by what happens in the world. I have promised peace to those who seek me and justice for those who do not. Pursue peace. You will not experience it entirely this side of heaven, but you can have it in your heart and mind until the day I bring complete harmony to the world.

Trust God’s promises. Learn them, believe them, and share them. Google “promises of God” and pick one or two to pray through, thanking God for who he is and what he does, and share one with a friend or family member.