Jeremiah 36

Jeremiah 36:1-32

SUMMARYScroll burned

OVERVIEWJeremiah dictated God’s word to Baruch, who wrote everything on a scroll. Baruch read the scroll to the people with hopes they would repent and turn back to God. King Jehoiakim, however, took the school and burned it. So, Jeremiah produced another scroll.

BIG IDEARespect God and his word and take it seriously: read it, believe it, and obey it.

KEY VERSEJeremiah 36:3 (God to Jeremiah)
Perhaps the people of Judah will repent when they hear again all the terrible things I have planned for them. Then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings.

My word is life. I have given it to you that you may know me, know yourself, and know there is a path that not only leads to hope but invites you to share it with others. Learn about me as you read your Bible. Let it remind you that I am faithful and that you can always count on me. As you read, be aware that you have a natural tendency to stray from me, but know that I am safe and always here for you. And be encouraged that I am leading you to a place that will be greater than anything you could imagine.

Take my word and eat it. Take my word and think about it. Take my word and follow it. You will be too busy, too tired, and too excited about other things. But wise people recognize where their hope comes from. I am your hope, and I have revealed myself in my word. Receive it and obey. Receive it and share it. Receive it and rest.

Continue to set aside time to read—as you have today—to reflect upon and act on God’s word as he leads you. Thank God for his word and his commitment to you.