SUMMARY: Potter’s clay
OVERVIEW: God shares the parable of the potter and the clay. It’s a warning for Judah’s future destruction unless they turn to him. Jeremiah concludes with a prayer asking For for protection from those who continue to persecute him.
BIG IDEA: When we surrender to God, he molds us into beautiful, valuable instruments of blessing.
KEY VERSE: Jeremiah 18:6 (God to Jeremiah)
O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand.
I have plans for you. There is much I want to do in your life. I have given you gifts and abilities. I have shaped you to serve me and the world in meaningful ways. Seek me, and let me continue to mold you to be a valuable tool in this world. Do not worry about your past. Do not fret about your current fears or temptations. You may think you are marred and not beneficial for anyone, but I determine your value. You do not become valuable because of the way you live. You become valuable when you seek me and follow me.
Don’t forget me or ignore me. Don’t pursue your path, believing your way is better than mine. I may allow you to go your own way but look around you first. Talk to those who have gone before you. Are they satisfied, or have they become so bitter and stubborn they refuse to turn to me? Be soft, moldable clay in my hand and watch me do something special.
Let God mold you today. Is your heart soft and pliable? Listen to God’s instructions and obey. Or, if you do not feel moldable, ask God to soften your heart to be the person he wants you to be.
BONUS song