SUMMARY: Future hope
OVERVIEW: God will bring judgment to Judah and allow Babylon to remove them from their land. But the chapter concludes with a hint of hope of a “second exodus” from Babylon back to their land.
BIG IDEA: God always provides hope if you turn to him.
KEY VERSE: Jeremiah 16:21 (God to Jeremiah)
The Lord says, “Now I will show them my power; now I will show them my might. At last they will know and understand that I am the Lord.”
Even though you have a history of forsaking me, turning to other gods, and serving and worshipping them, I will receive you. You and your ancestors have stubborn and evil hearts. If you choose to live apart from me, you will be judged and disciplined, but I will no longer trouble or bother you. Still, I will offer you a new heart. Turn back to me, and I will restore you and renew your hope and your life.
I always have a plan, and I am at work in your life today. I want to be your strength—the one you turn to for help. I want to be your fortress—the one you run to for safety. I want to be your refuge—where you find peace and rest amidst adversity. Turn from your desires or the lures and attractions set before you and look to me. I want to teach you and remind you of my power and might. I want to display my beauty for you and all to see, that you may know the meaning and power of my name.
Is God revealing any sin in your life you need to confess? Any wrong direction you’ve been going? Any bad habits you’ve developed? Talk to God. Confess and renew your commitment to him.