SUMMARY: No favoritism
OVERVIEW: James warns believers against prejudice and reminds them that faith is more than an intellectual belief. It is action spurred on by belief.
BIG IDEA: Faith without works is dead.
KEY VERSE: James 2:9 (the sin of favoritism)
But if you favor some people over others, you are committing a sin. You are guilty of breaking the law.
I demonstrated my love to you by sending Jesus long before you started to live differently. I showed you love and grace and mercy when you were in pieces and had nothing to offer. I don’t say these things to make you feel bad but to give you an example of how I want you to live. Don’t look upon another person as “less than” or as a second class citizen. Everybody is broken. You were, too. But I loved you as you were, and I want you to love others in the same way.
I don’t want you just to learn more about me. I want you to live out what you learn. Exercise your faith muscles by putting them into action. When you see discrimination, advocate for that person. When you see a need, meet it. You are not the Messiah—only Jesus is. You cannot be all things to all people. But I will give you opportunities to make a difference in someone’s life today if you are ready to follow me. See the world as I see it and put your faith in action.
Who are the lonely or the outcast in your world? Take time today to get to know them. Invite one or more to have lunch with you or to hang out sometime during the day.
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