SUMMARY: Restored
OVERVIEW: Isaiah prays for Jerusalem and charges Israel to do the same. Isaiah longs for Israel’s return from captivity and Jerusalem’s future restoration in the coming Kingdom.
BIG IDEA: God will restore Jerusalem to her former glory.
KEY VERSE: Isaiah 62:12 (God to Israel)
They will be called “The Holy People” and “The People Redeemed by the Lord.” And Jerusalem will be known as “The Desirable Place” and “The City No Longer Forsaken.”
I want you to begin to understand how much I love you. I want you to be overwhelmed by it. I want you to know in your heart of hearts that I will never leave you or forsake you. Because you are my child, you are secure. I am with you always, even when you feel alone.
I am in the restoration business. Just as I took you out of the kingdom of darkness and brought you home with me, I will deliver Jerusalem. She was the center of worship at one point and will be so again. There have been dark times in that land, but a new day is coming. I want you to remember that in your own life. When storms or trials arrive, I have not forgotten you. That will never happen. Instead, I am teaching you to weather storms and overcome challenges. There are people in dark places that I want you to care for. I am always at work in your life. Look to me, and let me lead you. Trust me as you follow me.
Enjoy your relationship with God. He has cleansed and restored you and continues to mold and shape you. Celebrate what God has done by giving him thanks and sharing with someone something God has done in your life. Thank God for his work, and don’t take it for granted.