Isaiah 59

Isaiah 59:1-21

SUMMARYStrong arm

OVERVIEWIsaiah points out the wickedness of humanity, their ease in doing evil, and their inability to save themselves. Isaiah reminds them of God’s strength and his willingness to step in and rescue them.

BIG IDEAGod’s arms are long enough and strong enough to save us.

KEY VERSEIsaiah 59:1 (Isaiah to Israel)
Listen! The Lord’s arm is not too weak to save you, nor is his ear too deaf to hear you call.

I always hear the cries of those calling me, of those who want mercy or seek my forgiveness. And when no one is willing to share my love and good news with them, or no one cares enough to do so, I go. Without fail, I supply what they need when they need it. I am faithful to my promise to provide for and care for my children, and I will do the same with those who want to begin a relationship with me.

But I have called you to do the work of ministry. I have commissioned you to be my voice of hope and for your feet to bring good news to those who seek it. Don’t allow your feet to rush into sin. Don’t pursue evil schemes or walk down roads of destruction. Instead, lace up your shoes and be ready to go where I send you. Never fear that you won’t know what to do or say. I will provide for you. I want you to experience the joy and satisfaction of seeing lives changed for eternity.

Think of one family member or friend who does not follow Jesus. Pray for God to soften their heart and to receive God’s love and forgiveness. Ask God to allow you to share his good news with them this week.