OVERVIEW: God describes the removal and humiliation of the gods of Babylon.
BIG IDEA: The proud will be humbled.
KEY VERSE: Isaiah 47:4 (Isaiah to people)
Our Redeemer, whose name is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, is the Holy One of Israel.
Don’t get caught up boasting of your success, possessions, connections, abilities, or opportunities. Instead, take time to celebrate any and everything you experience. Take it all in, and recognize them as my gifts to you. See them as my blessings. Be thankful and boast of the benefit of being blessed. Boast of knowing me and that others can have a relationship with me, too.
When you focus on yourself and believe all your achievements result from your efforts, you can form an unhealthy view of the world and others. You begin to see yourself as the center of the world, and you see others as instruments to achieve your goals. Keep me at the center and see others like my children, whom I love. I want you to see yourself as my adopted children who love and want to impact the world. But your focus must be on my plans, not on yours.
Take every opportunity today to recognize God’s goodness and provision. Thank God for all he has provided, and thank him for giving you the time, ability, relationships, and resources to achieve all you have accomplished thus far.