Isaiah 33

Isaiah 33:1-24

SUMMARYLifted up

OVERVIEW: Isaiah predicts the destruction of Assyria and the protection of a faithful group of people (v. 2-4; 14-24) who cried out to God and prayed on behalf of Israel for salvation.

BIG IDEAGod is our strength every morning and our salvation in times of distress.

KEY VERSEIsaiah 33:2 (Isaiah’s prayer)
But Lord, be merciful to us, for we have waited for you. Be our strong arm each day and our salvation in times of trouble.

I am the judge. I am the lawgiver. I am the king. I am the one who can save you. I don’t just want to be known as king—I want to be your king. I want you to fully surrender to me and submit to me and my authority. Turn to me for all that you desire. Turn to me to find riches and fulfillment. My wealth may include gold, but they always have priceless items like peace, love, and hope. These are the true riches you ought to pursue. Seek me and find them.

I will arise, I will be exalted, and I will be honored. No one can keep me down. The rocks and all creation will cry out if my children do not. No one can prevent my judgment. Be wise and turn to me and call on me for help, hope, and salvation. Do not rely on the plans that others swear by—they will be proven worthless.

Look to God for hope and deliverance. In what or in whom are you placing your trust? Thank God for all he has provided, and cry out to him for relief when you have pain.