Isaiah 24

Isaiah 24:1-23


OVERVIEWThe Lord will reign forever, but judgment will come over the entire earth.

BIG IDEAInvest in eternal things; everything else will pass away.

KEY VERSEIsaiah 24:3 (Isaiah to people)
The earth will be completely emptied and looted. The Lord has spoken!

A day of destruction will come. While those who do not want a relationship with me will have their request honored, everyone will face devastation. Believers and non-believers, men and women, the elderly and children, teachers and students: all will scatter and face ruin. Joyful singing will turn to laments of woe. Those who love my law yet suffered for pursuing righteousness will sing songs of praise, but the sounds of pain from those around them will drown out their praise.

Use your time wisely on earth. Enjoy all I have provided. Receive it, embrace it, and use it for good. Be generous with your time, talents, and treasures. Don’t wait until the end to tell others about me. Start today. Share your reasons for hope. Can you identify those reasons? Make a list and use the list as one tool to bring me thanks and praise and to offer hope to others.

The end will come. Invest your time, talent, and treasures in things that are eternal: God, God’s word, and the human soul.